5 Tips to Take Better Photos for Social Media

5 Tips to Take Better Photos for Social Media

Social media marketing in summit county coloradoSocial media photos are essential to attracting an audience, however they can be difficult to capture. You want to showcase your business professionally, but social media also thrives on authenticity.

How do you strike the balance between professional and real?

Use these five tips to find that balance, improve your social media photos, and capture your audience.

  1. Avoid the Zoom
    It can be tempting to zoom in on an object to get the right focus, but zooming in will minimize photo quality and can make the photo grainy. Instead, move closer! Take the time to adjust your position to get the right focus on the object. If you are taking a photo of a food plate or another still object, stand up on a chair to get a top down angle.
  2. Use the Rule of Thirds
    You don’t always want your focal point exactly in the middle, this can become boring for viewers. Instead, photographers follow the rule of thirds. Entrepreneur points out that you can enable a grid on your camera in your phone’s settings. Use the grid to place your focal point at one of the intersections of the lines. The rule of thirds helps create a visually interesting picture that feels balanced.
  3. Edit your Photos
    Most phones these days have the ability to do some basic photo editing. Take advantage of these tools to brighten up dark photos, crop out the extra space or even apply a filter or two. Just a few seconds of editing can make a big difference in how the photo is perceived.
  4. Eliminate Clutter
    Remove unnecessary items from the photo. Look for dangling wires, extra items on the table or anything that will take aware of the focal point. Too many objects in a photo make it difficult for your followers to zero in on what you want them to see. They are likely to scroll past a picture that is too hard to look at. Take out the items you don’t need and feature one or two things in your photo. If your picture is of people, crop it so that unnecessary details don’t distract from the focal point. The simpler a picture is, the easier it is for a follower to quickly capture its meaning before moving on.
  5. Enlist Others
    Not all business owners are photographers. However, pictures are some of the best ways to engage your audience. If you don’t like taking pictures, encourage your audience to take photos and share them. Ask your followers to share pictures of themselves or friends enjoying your product or service. If you have products to feature, it may be worth the investment to have professional photos taken. A professional photographer can display your products in their best light, making them more desirable for your potential clients.

Social media marketing in summit county coloradoYour social media photos don’t have to be perfect. Followers value authenticity. They do need to be interesting. Followers only give you a few seconds when they decide whether or not they will engage with your photo. These five tips can help your photos get more attention and result in more clients.


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