Introducing Tandem Design Lab, formerly KL Creative Design

Twelve years ago, armed with a love of coding, a passion for design and a rebellious streak, I, Kristylee, started KL Creative Design. What followed were many, many websites and lots of personal growth. It has been an absolutely thrilling adventure. All of you were there for various parts of the journey and helped to make the dream of KL Creative Design a reality.

Often, when a dream is beginning to turn into reality, the picture is hazy. You are never quite sure into what it will grow. And in the case of KL Creative, the business grew and evolved in ways I couldn’t imagine.

About five years ago, I met a web developer named Tracy Francis, founder of Ineffable Concepts, serving the Grand County area. Despite owning competing businesses, it didn’t take long for us to realize that our journeys were meant to be traveled together. In 2015, we married.

Formally KL Creative DesignIt soon became apparent that we were better together in business as well. Tracy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table in areas such as software development, networking and systems admin, and programming. For the past two years, we have worked together to build something amazing. By adding his expertise to the mix —in vision and in the day-to-day work — the business has grown into something beyond the original vision of KL Creative Design.

In short, Tandem Design Lab was born.

Don’t worry. The heart and soul that has served the Summit and Grand County communities for these past years hasn’t been lost. We are very committed to serving local businesses, big or small. Our vision for Tandem Design Lab is greater than any individual members.

Here is what Tandem means to us:

  • Tandem means working together with you, the client, to bring your dream into reality.
  • Tandem means “A rising tide raises all boats.”
  • Tandem means we are all better together.

We look forward to working in tandem with you in the coming years.

Kristylee and Tracy

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