A suite of travel websites with up to the minute information, pulled straight from CDOT, on road conditions, closures and alerts, all powered by a custom built API built in React.
The Challenge
Drive Colorado is the passion project of our co-founder, Tracy Francis. After living in the mountains for many years, Tracy noticed that there was not a reliable, easy-to-use source to get timely information about road closures and conditions, forcing people to turn to social media to fill the gap. Of course a social media post will age pretty quickly, and the info would soon be outdated as well. While timely info does exists on the CDOT website, but it is buried amongst all the potential routes, and it can be difficult to find timely information when you need it most.

The Solution
React.js, Brand Development, Web Development, SEO
And the very first website was born: isberthoudpassopen.com Over time, Drive Colorado has added 15 more websites each with a different pass or route, user reporting for when conditions change quicker than CDOT can update them, camera feeds, and a historical records of road closures and incidents. All of this is powered by a robust backend built in Laravel. The backend was built to be quick and lean as well as easy to maintain across current and future routes – no easy feat when you are talking about the sheer volume of data that needs to be sorted.
The front end of the websites and app were designed with this primary goal in mind: quick delivery of the info for users on the go (no pun intended). Secondly, the design was developed with a mobile first perspective to account for the large percentage of users visiting the site from mobile devices.

Get Started
We’ve got what you need. Send us a message or book a strategy session to get started.