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Client Resources

How to Empty the Cache on Your Website Browser

The cache on your website browser is a little picture or memory of all of each website you have visited. Your browser uses this memory to load content faster. However, when your browser is using the cache, you may be missing updated information. The cache also takes up resources. Deleting...

Improving Your Website’s Usability

Is your website bringing in enough leads? If not, poor usability may be the culprit. Website usability is the way your content is organized, and how it funnels users to conversion. Here’s a few questions to ask yourself: Is your contact info easy to find? Does it feel cluttered or...

5 Reasons to Hire a Social Media Manager in Summit County, CO

When discussing marketing with a client, one of the first questions I ask is “How’s your social media going?” This is usually met with a long awkward pause. Most know that they should be on social media, but are unsure of how to utilize social to get leads or just...

How to Pick the Perfect Font for your Website

Here at Tandem, we believe that quality is evident in the finer details. We sweat the small stuff. And choosing a font for your website, while it may seem minor, is an important part of branding. Every font has a personality and you need to find the right font for...

5 Tips to Keep Your Website Secure

Website Security. If you haven’t thought of this, you need to. For most websites, it isn’t a matter of IF you get hacked, but WHEN you get hacked. Most websites will degrade and eventually be susceptible to hacking. We’ve compiled a list of things you can do to keep your...

Tips for Successfully Working from Home

Working from home can be rewarding. You avoid traffic and save commuting time, and can have lunch with your family. Your day pajamas can be considered “business casual”. But it also comes with its own set of challenges. Many of these challenges can be surmounted, with a few solid habits....

Businesses that Pivot

Practical ways to support and grow your business throughout this period of social distancing.  I’d like to talk about some practical ways you can support and grow your business throughout this period of social distancing and business closures. We all know that this has been devastating for many business owners,...

Businesses That Pivot – Featured Businesses in Summit and Lake County

The CV Closures have been rough on small businesses, that’s no secret. But there are many who are still hustling and have made some amazing pivots to keep in business. I am so impressed with their resilience and commitment to the community and their staff! To inspire us as well...

How to Work on Your Small Business During the Corona Lockdown

Running a small business can be overwhelming. That’s no secret. The “To Do” list only grows and never seems to shrink. But why not take this downtime caused by the CV closures to work on your business and improve your structure and marketing platforms? Why not use this time to...

Update regarding the COVID-19

We hope you all are well stocked up, and happily hiding out from the craziness going on around us. Just wanted to give you all an update on how things are over here. At Tandem, all of our team members work from home, so not much has changed on that...

How to Use Hashtags

Hashtags! The ever mysterious hashtags. I get questions from clients about hashtags more than any other topic regarding social media marketing. So few know how to use them to their full potential. They can be quite powerful, and can generate a lot of extra traffic for your posts, so you...

What are Title and Description Tags?

For this week’s Tip Tuesday: SEO Series, I’d like to talk about Title and Description tags. These tags are arguable the most important bit of code on your website, for SEO purposes. Yet they are often forgotten or ignored because they are not visible on the front-facing aspect of the...

#TipTuesday: SEO SERIES #1 – Keywording

For the next few weeks, we are going to do a series of SEO tips, designed for the small business owner to improve their own SEO. Check in each week for your Tuesday Tip: SEO SERIES. For this week’s #tiptuesday, I’d like to discuss keywords. Keywords are the building blocks...

Instagram is Removing The Like Count – What does it mean for you?

The pros and cons of social media have been a topic of discussion for years. There’s no doubt that counting and comparing likes can become a self-esteem boost … or deflation, depending on how your social media is received. Too much focus on how content is received also tends to...

WordPress, Concrete5, SquareSpace: which is best for your business?

This day and age there are a plethora of content management systems on the market. You’ve probably heard a few of the names bounced around: WordPress, Concrete5, Magenta, SquareSpace or Wix. But which is best for your small business? While no two businesses have the same needs, there are clear...

The Newest Updates to WordPress You Need to Know About

The past week, WordPress 5.0 was released, and along with it a brand new editor that will dramatically change WP. Here's what you need to know.

How to Log into Your Email in a Browser

On occasion, it is necessary to check your email on a browser. Not only is your email accessible from any computer or location, but the webmail has a ton of extra information and settings that are important.Here's a quick tutorial on how to check your email in a browser.

Google Update is Pushing SSL Encryption on all Websites

Google is changing the rules in regard to SSL certificates and you need to know about it.

How to Give Your Website a Tune-up

Your car regularly gets tune ups. Your lawn gets mowed regularly. Your computer even needs a little help once in a while. What about your website?

Tips for Staying on Top of your Social Media

Social Media Marketing has caused more than its fair share of whining amongst small businesses. They struggle with it. Learn how to do better.

How to Brand your Small Business

Branding is the visual message that represents (or doesn’t represent) your business. What does your brand say?

Getting the Most out of WordPress via WordPress Plugins

If you’ve used WordPress at all, most likely you’ve had some experience with WordPress’s wealth of plugins. Learn about how to choose the best plugins.

Major WordPress Security Vulnerabilities Found: You MUST Update

2 days ago, WordPress released what they called a “critical security release” for all previous versions. This new release patches a vulnerability that was found in the commenting of WordPress which would allow a potential hacker access to your site. This comes on the heels of several other vulnerabilities found...

Simple Steps to Avoid WordPress Being Hacked

If you’re reading any tech news, you know that WordPress has been subject to a number of hacks and security issues in the last few weeks. Being in the limelight as one of the most popular CMS’s available puts it into the target scope for hackers. Hacking happens, that is...

SEO 101: 4 Things You Must Know

As of the writing of this post, Google reports that there are 644 million active websites on the internet. That’s a whole lot of websites! That begs the question, how do you make your website stand out? Well, that’s a question keeping many a marketer up at night! But we...

How to login to Google Analytics

If you have a completed site with Tandem Design Lab, then you will have a Google Analytics account. Perhaps you received an email with the subject line “You have been granted access to a Google Analytics account”. This is notifying you that you have received access to an existing Google...

Do you own your website?

I wager that most of you have never questioned whether or not you own your website. But do you? You’d be surprised to learn that a large portion of you might not own your own website. You might not if you fit one of the following criteria: You use one...

Custom Design vrs. Pre-made Template?

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately, so I thought it might be time to address it. What is the difference between a custom designed website and a pre-made template website? Which is right for you? First let’s start with some definitions. Pre-made Template Websites Pre-made templates designs cut...

What is a keyword and why should you care?

Keywords are the building blocks of any digital marketing plan. If you are considering starting or have started a online marketing plan, you are sure to have heard the word tossed around. So why are keywords important for you? Let’s break it down. What is a keyword? A keyword is...

The Pros and Cons of Free Website Builders

As an owner of a small business in Grand County myself, I understand the need to lower costs and cut corners. The question I’d like to address here is whether or not a website builder is a viable option for cutting corners. Of course, my opinion is going to be...

Off the Grid Stock Photography Sites – all for FREE

We all know content curation can be a point of struggle for many a business owner. Graphics in particular can make or break a website’s aesthetic. To help you with the process, I’ve compiled a few stock photography sites that offer free images. Not a bad deal! Unsplash This site...

Social Media Marketing- An Overview

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about some best practices for social media. Investing in social media can be a daunting task for small business owners. As a public forum, it can be intimidating to throw your hat into the ring and start learning how to participate. I’ve...

How to choose a logo

Logos are one of the hardest parts of designing a website. It is usually our starting point, as it is influential to everything else down the line. When done right, a logo is just a part of the whole. When done poorly, a logo will effect every aspect of your...

How to write website content: 5 Guidelines

Writing web content can be a difficult task for business owners and I’ve seen many a savvy business owner that has struggled their way through it. But don’t despair, you, as the business owner, is best equipped to write your own content! Below I’ve detailed a few guidelines about what...