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Online Marketing

5 Reasons to Hire a Social Media Manager in Summit County, CO

When discussing marketing with a client, one of the first questions I ask is “How’s your social media going?” This is usually met with a long awkward pause. Most know that they should be on social media, but are unsure of how to utilize social to get leads or just...

How to Use Hashtags

Hashtags! The ever mysterious hashtags. I get questions from clients about hashtags more than any other topic regarding social media marketing. So few know how to use them to their full potential. They can be quite powerful, and can generate a lot of extra traffic for your posts, so you...

What are Title and Description Tags?

For this week’s Tip Tuesday: SEO Series, I’d like to talk about Title and Description tags. These tags are arguable the most important bit of code on your website, for SEO purposes. Yet they are often forgotten or ignored because they are not visible on the front-facing aspect of the...

#TipTuesday: SEO SERIES #1 – Keywording

For the next few weeks, we are going to do a series of SEO tips, designed for the small business owner to improve their own SEO. Check in each week for your Tuesday Tip: SEO SERIES. For this week’s #tiptuesday, I’d like to discuss keywords. Keywords are the building blocks...

Instagram is Removing The Like Count – What does it mean for you?

The pros and cons of social media have been a topic of discussion for years. There’s no doubt that counting and comparing likes can become a self-esteem boost … or deflation, depending on how your social media is received. Too much focus on how content is received also tends to...

Google Update is Pushing SSL Encryption on all Websites

Google is changing the rules in regard to SSL certificates and you need to know about it.

Tips for Staying on Top of your Social Media

Social Media Marketing has caused more than its fair share of whining amongst small businesses. They struggle with it. Learn how to do better.

SEO 101: 4 Things You Must Know

As of the writing of this post, Google reports that there are 644 million active websites on the internet. That’s a whole lot of websites! That begs the question, how do you make your website stand out? Well, that’s a question keeping many a marketer up at night! But we...

What is a keyword and why should you care?

Keywords are the building blocks of any digital marketing plan. If you are considering starting or have started a online marketing plan, you are sure to have heard the word tossed around. So why are keywords important for you? Let’s break it down. What is a keyword? A keyword is...

Off the Grid Stock Photography Sites – all for FREE

We all know content curation can be a point of struggle for many a business owner. Graphics in particular can make or break a website’s aesthetic. To help you with the process, I’ve compiled a few stock photography sites that offer free images. Not a bad deal! Unsplash This site...

A word about auto-posting on Social Media

If you’ve heard me speak before, you know that I’m a big fan of social media marketing tools such as Hootsuite, WordPress or using Jetpack to funnel your social media posts. As the owner of a small business myself, I know that time is gold and often in short supply....

Top 8 things you need when developing your online presence

1. Logo Let’s face it: we are visual people who put far too much empathsis on what something looks like. Your logo will be the first impression people have of you. Is your logo memorable? Is your logo scalable and adaptable to all mediums? Read more about what makes a...

How to handle negative reviews on Yelp, Trip Advisor and the like

Lately Yelp has been getting a lot of bad press. It’s being sued by a number of business owners who believe that Yelp has purposefully manipulated its review rating system to favor paying advertisers or penalize those who do not choose to advertise. In short, bad reviews are featured (allegedly)...

Social Media Marketing- An Overview

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about some best practices for social media. Investing in social media can be a daunting task for small business owners. As a public forum, it can be intimidating to throw your hat into the ring and start learning how to participate. I’ve...

Is a Facebook business page enough for your small business?

Do you have a Facebook page for your business? Great! But can you stop there? Is your Facebook page enough as a web presence for your business? While, yes you should be on Facebook and you should be engaging with your existing clientele on Facebook, here are a few reasons,...

Sage Massage Therapy in Grand Lake- another online marketing success!

After doing an extensive analysis of their website, keyword research and market research, we created a plan involving search engine optimization, branding and social media. Now, just 2 months later, they are ranking #1 on Google for all of their targeted keywords! Many of their keywords are ranking 2 or 3 times on the first page!

The difference between PPC and organic search engine optimization

Okay, so you figured out that you need marketing. The next question then is what kind of marketing do you need? PPC, Pay Per Click, and organic search engine optimization are a great place to start. Short answer PPC is paid; organic is not. Long Answer PPC Let’s take a...

My website doesn’t rank in Google. Help!

I get this complaint from prospective clients a fair amount. The clients usually have a decent website, but have done little to no search engine optimization. In past years, building a website was enough to show up in search results. This is no longer true. As of April 7th, 2014,...

New Video: KL talks about keywording your website

Lindsey: The main thing that we’ve been focusing a lot lately with KL Creative Design is SEO and with that is tied into keywording which is our topic today. Inform us all about that. KL: Keywords are searchable terms that people might enter into Google to find you. Ideally, you...


How does the small business, with limited resources and the never ending task list, participate in content marketing? I’d like to show you that content marketing is attainable for you and your business with a few practical examples of content marketing.


According to Wikipedia, content marketing is “any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers.” With the constant barrage of advertising, we are becoming increasingly creative about avoiding it. It becomes like white noise in the background- just another person/product...

Utilizing the power of Video Marketing

How many times have you visited YouTube this week? Today? According to recent statistics, 55% of users have watched a YouTube video today and 80% in the past week. Alexa ranks YouTube as the third most visited website behind Google and Facebook. Let’s face it, the popularity of YouTube (and...

New Video: Colorado Web Design team talks about social media marketing

Lindsey: Hello everyone. I’m in the studio here with Kristy Lee from KL Creative Design. Welcome. Tell us about KL Creative Design. Kristy Lee: KL Creative Design is a web development firm with a focus on mobile development. Lindsey: Let’s talk about social media and marketing, how everyone can benefit...

Why I don’t guarantee SEO results.

I had a potential client ask me recently if KL Creative offers any guarantees or can warranty any specific SEO results such as rankings or traffic. We don’t. Here’s why. Short answer, taken straight from Google’s own website about SEO: It’s not possible. No one can guarantee a specific result...

The Why, What, How and Where of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has baffled business owners since it bomb-blasted its way into our lives not too long ago. By now, most of you realize that you should be doing something with Facebook and twitter….but the question is WHAT?? The Why I don’t need to tell you that users spend...

SEO… and the mobile device

In June of 2012, Google announced its preference for responsive websites for mobile design. While it may not yet penalize for sites without a responsive design or a mobile friendly content, it seems clear that this is important to them and will somehow factor in the ranking of a website....

Blogging for Small Businesses

Nothing stops a potential client quicker than suggesting they start a blog. “What would I write about?” “I’m not a writer.” “Who has time for that??” But before you dismiss the idea, let’s talk a bit about Google. Google is constantly banging the drum of CONTENT. In order to increase...

Small Business Marketing: Mobile Apps

How do you communicate with your clients and potential clients? Do you ever feel like you are shouting in a loud crowded room? Using cans on a string? Carrier pidgeon? What if you could get your message directly at the fingertips of your clients, exactly when it is most relevant...

Breaking down Google’s new rules about linkbacks

In case you haven’t heard, Google has issued some new info in regards to link backs. This news has taken the SEO world by shock as it will force a lot of SEO experts to revamp their format a bit. But let’s discuss the changes and break it down. Linkbacks....

What is online marketing?

So you’ve got a business. Most likely, you even have a website. But the question is how do you make your website work for you? How can you get the most from your website? Lately, I’ve had a lot of people ask me about online marketing. This is sort of...

How do I get my picture next to my google results?

Google Authorship. Have you seen it before? It’s fairly new but occasionally you will see a small photo next to a google result. This is Google Authorship. Basically, this is a verified link between your website content and your Google+ profile. If you have a blog, you may have heard...

How blogging can improve your website’s SEO

You’ve got your mommy bloggers. You’ve got your angry critics. You’ve got your free-spirited travel bloggers. What about blogging for your business? Now before you freak out and tell me you have nothing to say (we will get to that as well), let me tell you how blogging can help...

4 easy ways to improve your search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, the art of to get your website higher in the search engine rankings, is a complicated art. For many, it may require a full restructuring of your website or the help of a specialist. But I’d like to discuss a few things to get you started on...

How to increase your website traffic.

Lately I’ve been getting lots of calls from people who have a website but aren’t quite getting the traffic out of it they want. There are many factors which effect a website’s success. Search engine optimization, which I talked about a few weeks ago here, is a big part of...

How can YouTube marketing help your business?

Did you know that you can search engine optimize your YouTube videos? YouTube is quickly becoming a big player in website marketing. Like Facebook and Twitter, video content and YouTube is a whole separate platform for marketing your business and reaching clientele.

Why WordPress?

Chances are if you are looking into building a websites, you’ve heard of WordPress. It is by far the most popular CMS to date. So what is it? And more importantly, how can WordPress help you and your business? WordPress is an open source content management system. In laymen’s terms,...

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is the process to make your website come up higher in search engine (google, bing, yahoo) results. What good is a website if it can’t be found? Even the prettiest website or the best product should be marketed. So should your website. And...