New Video: KL talks about keywording your website

Lindsey: The main thing that we’ve been focusing a lot lately with KL Creative Design is SEO and with that is tied into keywording which is our topic today. Inform us all about that.

KL: Keywords are searchable terms that people might enter into Google to find you. Ideally, you would want them to come to you. You want to ideally be in the top three results as they get about 70% of the traffic comes from the top three results. So keywords, someone comes in and they type “TV station Summit County.” We want them to come to your site. How do we make that happen?

That’s what keywording is all about … We do a lot of research to figure out which keywords have the best amount of searches as well as the least amount of competition. We figure out the ratio between the two for the least competition for the most amount of searches. Then we optimize a specific page or your entire site for those keywords that we have. That’s how we try and drive traffic to your site through the keywording.

Lindsey: Now you can pick your own keywords that you would like to be most related to you? Is that how that works?

KL: The way I would usually work it with clients is that they know their business better than anyone. So, yes, we work with them and get an idea. Then we’ll take, between the two of us, myself and the client and will come up with about 10 or 15 different keywords. Then we’ll do the research on them. Sometimes I’ve found that a client is already number one for a particular keyword. So, we’re not going to do any SEO on that one. Whereas another one, they’re not doing that great in it, but there’s excellent room for improvement in it.

We’ll do the ratios and find the best ratio and then pick four or five of those keywords from that list. We work with you to figure that all out. Just because you’re not specifically optimizing for a specific keyword doesn’t mean that people aren’t going to find you for that. It doesn’t mean that it can’t be a part of your site. It’s just that we pick four or five because we find that drives the traffic up the best. It gives you the best results.

Lindsey: That correlates to the SEO because SEO is what makes you first or second on the page.

KL: Yes. Right.

Lindsey: When you type in Google, usually you go to the first three.

KL: Uh-huh. (affirmative)

Lindsey: That’s what that is, right?

KL: Yes. Keywording is a part of search engine optimization and, frankly, it’s a big part of it. You need to do the keywording and the research behind that to figure out what to optimize for.

Lindsey: Very cool. Also, I think this is interesting because it’s a lot of people that are on vacation here right now that aren’t current in Summit County. This is not just for local residents.

KL: Right.

Lindsey: KL can work with anyone anywhere in the nation.

KL: Mm-hmm. (affirmative)

Lindsey: We also talked last week. We’ll just touch on it a little bit here because we could add to it about mobile websites.

KL: Mm-hmm. (affirmative)

Lindsey: That’s really important because everyone’s nowadays with their phone or trying to trying to drive.

KL: Right. It’s very important that you have a mobile website. We’re actually finding that also has an effect on your search engine optimization. If you don’t have a website that looks proper on a phone, Google actually doesn’t rank you as high which is huge. So, we want your website to look when you come to it on the phone, there’s no zooming, there’s no pinching. You’re not fighting to find the content that you want. That’s what you need to have.

So, we build what’s called “responsive web design.” That way, the website shrinks or expands and moves things around accordingly to the screen size. If you’ve got this much real estate, then we might have three columns. If you’ve got this much room, then we have one long column.

Lindsey: See, I feel like I’m only going to go to websites that KL Creative Design works with because as soon as I go to it and it’s not mobile [front sheet 00:04:23] or whatever and it jumps, I just give up.

KL: Right. Most people, they’re gone. The minute it’s frustrating, they’re out.

Lindsey: Even when it asks you to download a mobile website separately.

KL: Right.

Lindsey: That confuses me because I don’t want to download anything on my phone.

KL: Mm-hmm. (affirmative) Or you can’t find certain information because it directs you somewhere else and it only has 50% of the information. That’s frustrating and that’s the last thing you want to do is frustrate your users. You want to make the content nice and easy, easy and smooth for them to find.

Lindsey: Especially in today’s world everyone is always in a hurry.

Lindsey: Right.

Lindsey: KL Creative Design, they will make it user-friendly, accommodating for everyone. Keywording is the biggest thing so you can be number one when you are Google-searched.

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