Top 8 things you need when developing your online presence

1. Logo

Let’s face it: we are visual people who put far too much empathsis on what something looks like. Your logo will be the first impression people have of you. Is your logo memorable? Is your logo scalable and adaptable to all mediums?

Read more about what makes a good logo.

2. Domain Name

This one is easy. You can register a domain name with a company such as or in minutes. Choose something with keywords if possible or that is easy to remember. Many people choose to have a simpler, less keyword friendly url for their email accounts.

Developing your online marketing plan

3. Website

If you are reading this, you have already decided that you need a website. But what kind of website do you need? Do you want to be able to edit your website frequently? (Hint: You should.) Do you want to blog? (Hint: Ummm, yes. Do you need mobile optimization? (Hint: YES!!)

What about website usability? Talk with your web developer about heat mapping to improve website usability, call to actions and the flow of the eye.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is the rented space where your website and email lives. If you have your own domain, you will need this. Most likely, you can get this through your web developer, but you can also purchase it yourself.

Web hosting and other terms you need to know.

5. Email Accounts

Get professional email accounts and no, yahoo and gmail do not count! These email servers are free and free means that you don’t own it. Free means if it is hacked there is no one you can call. Free means it is perceived as less professional. Free means it can be removed/deleted/hacked at any moment. Get self-hosted email addresses such as and Not only does this add an extra level of protection, it gives you tech support and a higher level of professionalism.

6. Social Media Presence

Remember that snazzy new logo you have? Use that to create a Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn page or whatever social media sites you are choosing. Pick 1-2 to get started. Make sure they are consistently branded and don’t forget to fill out the profiles. Add a link to your website. Add keywords into the bio to increase search ability. And post regularly. Here’s a few tips on how and when to post.

7. Keyword Plan

Keywords are searchable words or phrases that someone might use in order to find your website. By researching possible keywords, competitors, and analyzing the market, you will come up with a list of 10 keywords to use for search engine marketing. Gone are the days where you can build a website and have it rank. Marketing, keywording and search engine optimization are essential.

8. Compelling Web copy

Your website will stand or fall on your web copy. Web copy is a big part of how search engines find you (or don’t). Generally, I suggest business owners write their own copy. Who knows your business better than you? Take the time to write your own web copy, keeping keywords in mind and have a search engine optimizer tweak it for keywording purposes.b

More info about writing web content.

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